Donation Tongue Tie Clinic

The donation clinic is led by healthcare professionals training at the Tongue Tie Academy.

Here your baby will receive a thorough feeding and oral assessment to help understand the underlying root cause of the presenting challenges.

We are proud to be able to support so many families who are seeking skilled support around tongue tie, for their baby.

We are leading the way here in the UK and have curated an organisation that bridges the gap between NHS and private practice. We will support you wherever you are in your journey; irrespective of your financial means to pay.

How to Donate

In our first 6 months, we superseded our first fundraising milestone, raising over £20,000. We want to continue to sustain this sought after offering for all of our clients. Our new fundraising goal is £200,000 in the next 12 months.

This will help cover the maintenance and running costs, full-time receptionist, equipment, specialist practitioners to join the team and ongoing support for families. We appreciate all of your generous donations - Thank you! You can click the link below to support The Tongue Tie Centre.

How your Donation Helps




You are helping newborns and infants to fully thrive and improve their long-term health outcomes. A £50 donation would buy 5 pairs of scissors needed for a tongue tie procedure. We typically carry out approximately 26 tongue tie procedures per month.




The effects of tongue tie, can impact the entire family on a physical, mental and emotional level. £350 can help 1 family to receive skilled infant feeding support & tongue tie treatment. We have had 450 new referrals in the past 6 months. We help families truly advocate for their babies and validate their concerns.




Healthcare professionals are not routinely trained in understanding or identifying tongue ties during their medical, nursing or midwifery school. £4500 would fund a 50% scholarship placement at The Tongue Tie Centre.

Training professionals keeps The Tongue Tie Centre running. It enables access for all families irrespective of their means to pay.

Book an Appointment

To book an appointment at The Tongue Tie Donation Centre, for a feeding and tongue tie assessment, you can book your appointment directly online, below. You will be taken to our booking system via ‘Cliniko’.

Donation clinic appointments are released on a Monthly basis, this is to reduce the volume of ‘no shows' and to enable families who need our support, the opportunity to book an appointment.

We cannot wait to see you soon!

Book an Appointment

You can either self refer, or you can refer as a healthcare professional, on behalf of your client.

Got Questions?

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